NextChapter is a consulting group working with companies, nonprofit organizations, and associations to develop strong education partnerships. We help identify your needs and deliver services to achieve your goals. In this dynamic and ever changing education environment building strong partnerships are essential to grow your organizations.
About me
I established NextChapter Consulting after more than two decades working with associations and organizations in the education and ed tech space.
My experience includes federal and state legislative advocacy for the College Board, communications and outreach for Project Tomorrow, external relations for the U.S. Congress’ Web based Commission and sponsorship , partnership, global outreach, and strategy for CoSN.
I formed NextChapter to continue my work and provide services to a select group of clients who share my commitment to improve education and transform the learning experience through technology.
With cancellations and postponements of conference and events, associations and their corporate partners are working to identify new ways of working together. Hope the recent blog will help you navigate the new reality.

Building strong education partnerships
Creating and delivering strong messages to the right audience at the right time.
Following federal and state legislation ,recommending actions to deal
with the challenges and opportunities and creating strong advocacy messages for
Developing briefs in a readable format useful for your organization.
Setting the direction and establishing priorities for your organization and
understanding the competitive landscape.
Delivering events that meet your needs and position your
Writing, researching, interviewing and analyzing in easily
accessible and readable formats.
Clients &
“During her tenure at CoSN Irene developed a strong sponsorship program, led our state and federal policy work, oversaw our communications efforts and assumed many special projects. She has played a central role in the growth of CoSN and I appreciate those many contributions."
-- Keith Krueger, CEO, CoSN